
What is UX Design?

July 5, 2022

User Experience Designer (UX)

First things first, let’s define the term “User Experience (UX).” User experience is the interaction between users and services or products, it is associated with how they feel during their journey.

For example, when you use the elevator, use the door handle to open it, or use a website to book a service, it’s all about user experience.

User experience design(UX) is the process of designing products or services with users’ interests and needs on top of your priorities. UX design’s goal is to create products that are accessible, practical, useful, and easy-to-use, while also being enjoyable.

UX Design is associated with branding, UI design, usability, and functionality. For example, a button’s color, shape, and size may influence how users feel about the checkout process and their whole interaction with your app.

UX vs. UI design

UI design is focused on the interface itself. It covers aspects of typography, color, icons, animations, and navigational components (UI is how your product looks like).

UX design is more about designing the whole experience users have with a product (UX is how users feel about your product).

The design thinking process

The design thinking process is a problem-solving approach based on the idea that you should look at the problem from the users’ eyes and then think like a designer.

Design thinking is built on 5 stages of problem-solving: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test:


At this stage, you research your audience and learn about their pains, expectations, frustrations, and needs.


With human problems in mind, you define a problem to specify a challenge your team will address.


It’s the step of brainstorming ideas (even the craziest ones) that can be a solution.


Once you select a few of the most solid ideas, visualize them, creating prototypes of screens you want to test.


Testing helps validate assumptions and utilize users’ feedback to improve solutions before your team spends time and money developing and implementing ideas.

Get your design from our UX expertise now!


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